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Alcatech.de Hilfe-Center
BPM Studio 5 English
BPM Studio 5 English
You can find answers to the most common questions here.
Activate BPM Studio
Activate BPM Studio
Audio / sound / sound card
Tracks are no longer automatically recognized when reading from CD.
Which sound card is recommended?
Sound card setting
Data management / data transfer
Use BPM Studio 4 and BPM Studio 5 on one computer at the same time
Data transfer from version 4 to version 5
Display / resolution
Why is the program not showing on the full screen?
Crossfader is no longer displayed
Manage / reset activation
Can BPM Studio be activated on another device?
You can reset your activation yourself with the repair tool.
Have the BPM Studio license reset
Possible mistakes
Activation code has expired or is about to expire.
Drag and drop does not work.
Runtime Error 216/217
BPM Studio crashes when saving settings
Access violation
Problems with antivirus program
Couldn't find any help?
Couldn't find any help?